Slaughterhouse of "SKIBA" is one of three business establishments. It is one of the largest and most modern in Poland. We specialize in the production and sale of pork. The potential of the plant to slaughter and butchering 300 pigs per hour!
We guarantee the highest quality products thanks to modern technology and the use of carefully selected raw materials.
The plant consists of 19,000 meters of production space cold-storage capacity 8,000 carcasses and cold store high storage capacity of 2,180 tons of goods. We have obtained permission to export not only within the EU but also worldwide.
The meat is processed in Polish farms. We use the full potential of the area. Our factory is located in one of the cleanest Polish regions. This area is characterized by exceptionally clean air and natural wealth. Developed agriculture and natural conditions favor the production of perfectly healthy food. The guarantee of safety and quality of our products are implemented international certification systems IFS, BRC.
Zakłady Mięsne Skiba S.A.
Ul. Derdowskiego 23
89-600 Chojnice
Kapitał akcyjny: 77.700.000 zł,
Kapitał wpłacony: 77.700.000 zł,
KRS: 0000649396,
Sąd Rejonowy Gdańsk-Północ w Gdańsku
VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego,
REGON: 365975339,
NIP: 5552112610
Zarząd spółki oświadcza, że w rozumieniu ustawy o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych (Dz.U. z 2019, poz. 118 ze zm.) posiada status dużego przedsiębiorcy.
Office:Tel.: 52 39 65 600
Fax: 52 39 65 601
Zakłady Mięsne Skiba S.A.
(dawniej Zakłady Mięsne "SKIBA" Andrzej Skiba)
Ul. Derdowskiego 23
89-600 Chojnice
© 2016 Zakłady Mięsne Skiba. All rights reserved. made by embryoStudio